Travel to the EU after Brexit

Travel after Brexit – how will it affect my holidays to the EU?

With the end of the Brexit transition period looming we are rounding up some of the key changes that will affect travel. From 1st January 2021 travel to the 27 countries of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland & Liechtenstein will change in the following ways:

Passport Validity

You need to have at least 6 months left on an adult or child passport to travel (the exception to this is Ireland). If a passport was renewed before the previous one expired , extra months may have been added to its expiry date. Any extra months on the passport over 10 years will not count towards the 6 months needed.


At the moment visas are not going to be needed, although this may change in 2022. As a general rule you will be able to stay for up to 90 days although this will vary according to the country.

Travel Insurance

The EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) will no longer be valid after 1st January 2021. We always ask our clients to get travel insurance (with medical cover) however this is now doubly important without the benefits and cover of the EHIC.

January 2021 update – Your EHIC will remain valid until it expires. To replace it a new GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card) has been introduced to give access to state provided healthcare in the EU. It is free and can be applied for here.

Driving in Europe – licence and insurance

You will need to take a copy of your driving licence and will also need to get an IDP (International Driving Permit). It is likely that you will also need to get a Green Card from your car insurers to prove that you have cover in place.

Mobile Data Roaming

The guarantee of free roaming will end on 1st January 2021. While the four major providers have said they have no plans to introduce it you should check in advance of travel to avoid any nasty shocks.

Pet Passports

The existing Pet Passport scheme no longer applies from 1st January so you will need to check with your Vet well in advance of travel to see what regulations will apply.

Duty Free

From 1st January Duty Free purchases will be allowed when travelling from the EU. The current allowances will be significantly increased.

We are here to advise on these and all other travel matters so don’t hesitate to call or email us.



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